Water corporation

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water

In this area

Surface water basin: Avoca, Glenelg, Millicent Coast, Wimmera

Groundwater catchment: Avoca, West Wimmera, Wimmera - Mallee

Groundwater GMU: Murrayville GMA, West Wimmera GMA

About the area

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water services a large area – about 25% of Victoria – in the north-west of the state.

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water supplies water to urban and rural customers via the extensive Wimmera Mallee Pipeline system. The larger urban areas in the south — Ararat, Stawell and Horsham — are supplied via separate systems. Many towns are also supplied from groundwater.

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water sources most of its water from a system of storages in the Grampians, but the northern part of the rural pipeline system is supplied from the Murray.

More information on the water corporation can be found at Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water.External Link

2022-23 overview

Urban deliveries

8,007 ML of urban residential and non-residential deliveries were made (in urban and rural systems) in 2022-23, less than the previous year (9,090 ML in 2021-22).

Rural deliveries

6,240 ML of rural deliveries were made in 2022-23, less than the previous year (8,311 ML in 2021-22).

Wastewater recycled at treatment plants

76% of wastewater was recycled (2,845 ML of 3,762 ML), less than 98% in 2021-22.

Water deliveries

Urban systems

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water operates 19 urban water supply systems, including 5 sourced from surface water, 12 from groundwater and 2 from both. Water is sourced from the Goulburn and Wimmera basins.

Table 1: Urban system water balance, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water

Combined systems

Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water operates 3 combined (urban and rural) supply systems. The Wimmera Mallee pipeline supply system has been divided for reporting purposes into 7 supply systems, each of which supplies several towns. These are presented for simplicity as consolidated reports for the urban and rural systems. Water is sourced from the Murray and Wimmera basins.

Table 2: Combined system water balance, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water

Recycled water

Water recycled at wastewater treatment plants can be used to supplement water available in river basins. Table 3 lists the wastewater treatment plants managed by Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water. Water discharged to the environment from treatment plants is included as an inflow to the water balance for each of the river basins.

More information can be found in How we account for water supply.

Table 3: Treated wastewater produced and recycled, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water