About the area

The Strathbogie Groundwater Management Area (GMA) covers granite aquifers, sedimentary bedrock aquifers and alluvial clay and sand aquifers, extending from the Strathbogie Ranges in the south-east to Violet Town in the north, and Nagambie in the west.

This GMA includes the upper and middle Seven Creeks, Hughes Creek and Honey Suckle Creek catchments.

The water authority responsible for managing groundwater in the Strathbogie GMA is Goulburn-Murray Water.

The Strathbogie GMA Local Management Plan applies to groundwater up to a depth of 200 m in the area.

This GMA includes 6 management zones; Castle, Honeysuckle, Hughes, Pranjip, Seven and Whiteheads.

More information on the GMA can be found on the Goulburn-Murray WaterExternal Link website.

Table 1: Groundwater level trends, Strathbogie GMA

Groundwater restrictions

There were no restrictions on licensed use in the Strathbogie GMA in 2022-23.

Entitlements and use

Groundwater is available for licensed (non-urban) supply and for domestic and stock use.

Entitlement volumes

Table 2: Groundwater entitlements at 30 June, Strathbogie GMA

Available water and use

The table below shows the total water available and used under entitlements, and estimated domestic and stock use in 2022-23. Total water available under entitlements is the sum of opening carryover, allocation issued and the net trade in or out of water.

Estimated domestic and stock use is calculated based on an assumed usage per registered bore per year. In this GMA, 2 ML usage per bore per year is assumed.

More information on groundwater use and availability has been detailed in How we account for groundwaterExternal Link .

Table 3: Groundwater availability and use, Strathbogie GMA


Compliance against water entitlements is reported for this groundwater management unit (GMU) in 2 areas:

  • entitlement issued: that the volume of entitlements issued in the GMU does not exceed relevant permissible consumptive volumes (PCVs) or has not increased without appropriate approvals
  • water extracted: that the volume of water taken under entitlements during the year does not exceed the total water available to licence holders.

Key points on compliance against entitlements

Entitlement volume did not exceed the PCV

The volume of entitlements (1,373 ML) in the Strathbogie GMA did not exceed the PCV (1,660 ML).

Total volume extracted under licences was within the available volume

The total volume extracted under licences (451 ML) was within the volume available for the year (1,373 ML).

Table 4: PCV vs total entitlement volumes, Strathbogie GMA

Management responsibilities

Management of water in the Strathbogie GMA is undertaken by Goulburn-Murray Water.

AuthorityManagement responsibilities
Goulburn-Murray Water
  • Managing groundwater resources.
  • Developing and implementing groundwater management plans.
  • Issuing licences for groundwater use, bore construction, and surface water diversions.
  • Administering water for domestic and stock use.